Avoid Frozen Pipes

Whenever the weather turns cold, pipes in outside walls can freeze. To avoid this keep the heat on in these rooms. If you have had water pipes freeze before, bump the heat up a little more. Insulation should be placed between the pipes and the outside. Pipes under mobile homes or in pump houses should be heat taped and wrapped. Don’t heat tape pipes inside a home; a future short could cause a fire. Keep heat on if you go out of town during cold weather. Turning the main valve off will not prevent a freeze up, but it will prevent water from filling your basement if a pipe does break. Letting water run in a small stream, the size of a pencil, may help prevent a freeze up, but your water bill may go up. Best case scenario; frozen pipes will keep water from flowing to a sink or appliance. Worst case scenario; pipes will break flooding your house and cause major damage. Suggestion: call Rainbow Restoration for a free estimate: 755-7075 or 253-8982.